Routine Exams

We believe that every pet we see deserves gold standard veterinary care. That starts with routine exams. We schedule our appointments to be 30 minutes long, which is longer than typical, so that
our team has time to thoroughly discuss your pet's needs, answer all your questions, provide helpful guidance, and perform a complete examination of your pet's health. Prevention is the key to helping your pet live the longest, happiest life possible. Here, they'll only get the best. Give us a call now to schedule your pet's exam.
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Vaccines help your pet live a long, happy, healthy life. We will custom-tailor your pet's vaccine plan to their age, lifestyle, and unique risk-factors. You can learn more about the common vaccinations that we
offer below, but if you have any questions just give us a call now!
Core Vaccines
Lifestyle Vaccines
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Core Vaccines
- Rabies Vaccine: Dogs, cats, and humans can contract the rabies virus. Rabies is extremely dangerous to humans and is fatal to cats and dogs, therefore it is important to vaccinate against it. The rabies vaccine is given as a 1-year or a 3-year vaccine. Florida law requires that all dogs and cats are rabies vaccinated by 4 months of age, and Marion County requires that all rabies vaccinated pets are licensed. We can issue Marion County rabies licenses here in our office and have information on where to obtain your pet’s rabies license if you live in surrounding counties.
- Distemper Vaccine: The distemper vaccine is given to both dogs and cats and protects your pet from several dangerous and contagious diseases. In dogs, these diseases include canine distemper, hepatitis, canine adenovirus-2, parvovirus, and parainfluenza. In cats, these diseases include feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia. You may see these vaccines abbreviated as DA2PP for dogs and FVRCP for cats. They are given as 1-year or 3-year vaccines.
- Bordetella and Canine: Influenza Vaccines The bordetella vaccine, also referred to as kennel cough, is given annually to social dogs that attend boarding/daycare facilities, grooming salons, or dog parks. At Mulberry Grove, we administer an oral bordetella vaccine. The canine influenza vaccine, also referred to as the canine flu, should also be given to any dog living a social lifestyle. Both bordetella and canine influenza are extremely contagious illnesses that can cause your dog severe respiratory distress.
- Leptospirosis Vaccine: Leptospirosis is a disease caused by bacteria found in soil and water. Your dog should receive this vaccine annually if they are exposed to or drinking from any standing water (rivers, lakes, or streams), or if your dog has any chance of being exposed to wild animals, farm animals, or rodents. Leptospirosis can be spread from animals to people, so it is very important to vaccinate your dog if they are at risk.
- Lyme Disease Vaccine: Given to dogs that are living in or visiting environments where ticks are present. It is important to vaccinate against lyme disease annually, as this disease can cause a lot of serious, long-term health problems for your dog.
- Feline Leukemia Vaccine: Feline Leukemia is a disease spread from one cat to another. If you have an outdoor cat that has even a small chance of encountering another cat, you should have them vaccinated for feline leukemia annually. There is no cure for this disease, and it can be spread easily from another cat’s saliva, blood, urine, or feces. You may also see this vaccine abbreviated as FeLV.
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Diabetes Management

For dogs and cats who have been diagnosed with Diabetes Melitus, insulin is commonly the best way to treat the disease. Insulin lowers blood sugar in animals with diabetes. It comes in many forms, and there are many brands to choose from. Our veterinarians will guide you through the entire journey of caring for a pet with Diabetes - from selecting the right type of insulin, to giving injections, and monitoring their disease. We are here for you every step of the way.
The videos below provide credible information on the management of your pet's diabetes at home.
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The videos below provide credible information on the management of your pet's diabetes at home.
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